汕尾资讯网Reporting Tour of the Elderly Services Industry of Beijing

汕尾资讯网Reporting Tour of the Elderly Services Industry of Beijing
汕尾资讯网Reporting Tour of the Elderly Services Industry of Beijing

The Press Center will organize a reporting tour of the elderly services industry of Beijing on the afternoon of Saturday 21th October for participants to learn about a working system in Beijing combining elderly services and medical and health care services with the cooperation of government agencies, enterprise and communities. Please fill in the application form and send it to thenineteenth@sina.com with the E-mail subject of “Elderly Services” no later than 19: 00, 20th October if you are interested.

Boarding Place 1: Western Gate of the Parking Lot of China Millennium Monument (A9, Fuxing Rd., Haidian District)

Boarding Time: 12: 00, 21th October

Boarding Place 2: Press and Publication Building (No.55, Chaoyangmennei St., Dongcheng District)

Boarding Time: 12: 30, 21th October

Tel: 68520159

Application Form for the Reporting Tour of the Elderly Services Industry of Beijing

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